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Claudette Martinez - Canada

claudette Martinez

It grows like mold, unwelcome, black, deadly, cold

Devouring my soul, Gorging on me demanding to be fed, the continuous spread, satisfied only with the dead.

You can no longer recognize what was once there, so unwanted, and so sadly unfair.

Once a special soul, Unique, bursting to love, wanting only to be held, to care.

Once glowing gold, unsold. It's taken my shine, no longer brilliant, no longer mine.

It needs to be starved, I know what needs to be done, end the feed, it's infinite greed.

Courage, Superman strength, that's what we need, paths laden with kindness, with love to spare.

Release its grasp, heal the grief, stay open and willing to share.

Find the real, release the past, allow it to wash over you, and finally pass.

Cleanse the soul, become whole, exterminate the mold, and return to gold.

Stand tall, smile and move fast, hand to heart, strong brilliant and bold.

A new start, a reboot of the heart.


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